Out of the Pit of Self-Doubt

The Lavender Pit
Written By Eugene Morgan

Self-doubt can limit our choices. Without choices no one is free. Unless we widened our mind, we won’t see choices that are in front of us to make.

Self-doubt is another obstacle we have to go through or around in life. Usually self-doubt is created when something new that challenges our capabilities.

Doubt likes to occupy our thoughts where we can’t think of anything else. It’s difficult to find alternatives in a situation when one doubts.

So how do we get out of the pit of doubts? We think of what we can do in the situation, unlike-doubt focuses on our limitations of what we think we can’t do.

Once we preoccupy our thoughts with what we can do, we feel the sensation of taking action.

2 thoughts on “Out of the Pit of Self-Doubt

  1. MEM

    Ellie, I agree. Self-doubt can be paralyzing if we let it control us. Thank you for commenting.

  2. What’s particularly insidious about self-doubt is that we’re literally doing it to ourselves; we’re our own oppressors. When you let the Evil Auctioneer take control, you’re telling your deepest Self that you’ve given up and don’t deserve choice. Which is utter crap. And the only way to beat him is to be proactive – just like you explain. Great post!

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