Better to Do than to Try

Beyond a shadow of a doubt
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Do, or do not. There is no ‘try’.”- Yoda (‘The Empire Strikes Back’)

When we say to ourselves or others, that we will ‘try’ to do this or that, we’re leaving room for doubt. It is natural to have some doubts when we’re challenged to do something we feel uncomfortable doing. We can think of many reasons why we get afraid to do something.  We have two choices; we can listen to doubts in our head, or we can ignore the doubts in our heads. Doubting is a circular thinking exercise in the mind that keeps us from doing. The fastest way to expel doubts from our heads is just do it, take action. Something about taking action breaks up the doubts in our heads. We have more opportunity for success if we do than if we try.


[bctt tweet=”Do, or do not. There is no ‘try’. – Yoda (‘The Empire Strikes Back’) “]

From Doubt To Courage


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We all have experiences with doubt, but we also have experiences with courage. Doubt can plague our abilities to do what we desire and want. Having courage is our understanding that in spite of doubts we will do things anyway to fulfill a desire or a want. Doubts are in our head and courage is in our hearts. The more we do what we set out to do, the more our doubts will usually decrease. Doubts are occupying thoughts that use a lot of our brainpower. The power we need to fulfill our needs and wants. We can’t turn off the doubting thoughts but we don’t have to pay attention to them. Instead we can place our attention on the goals with courage.

When Miracles Start

The miracle /:ðə,ðɪ,ðiː ˈmɪrək(ə)l:/

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Miracles start to happen when you give as much energy to your dreams as you do to your fears.”— Richard Wilkins

If we only focus more on our dreams, then we won’t have much time thinking about our fears. Self-doubt only delays progress and without the hope of starting a new project. We have a choice to use our energy to either be preoccupied with nagging doubts or to use the energy we have to make our dreams real.  We ought to acknowledge that we have trepidations about starting something new, but those anxieties shouldn’t stop us from doing something that will fulfill and satisfy our lives today. We fear things because we don’t know what’s going to happen. We want to anticipate and feel control over the outcome. We will make mistakes, mistakes that we can learn from and tweak and make adjustments.

Doubt Our Power

Power Of One
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“When you doubt your power, you give power to your doubt.”—

Our doubts are fueled by the same energy as our courage. We could either watch through the lens of doubt or through the lens of  courage. We have a choice. We don’t have to be defined by our doubts. We give doubt more power when we run the other way instead of facing our doubts and taking that one big step. Sometimes that’s all we need to do is to take the first step and start the process using our power that each one of us possesses.



Doubting Your Power

Rocking Chair

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“When you doubt your power, you give power to your doubt.”—

When we doubt our power, we’re open to be taken advantage of. We are less informed, when we doubt our power. An education is in order of our rights as a citizen.  The more uninformed we are, the more power we give to our doubts. Doubts are like trying to follow a path with a veil over our eyes.  It takes power to maintain doubts. Doubting is mental exercises that paralysis the body. Doubting is a preoccupation of mind that delays progress.  But if we take courage and lift the veil from our eyes then we can see that we have the  power to make our own path in life.


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Doubt and Beliefs

Which Came First, The Chicken or The Egg?
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Just like the chicken or the egg, what came first— doubt or belief about what we can’t do? When we have doubts in our abilities we fuel the belief that we can’t do something. If we believe we can’t do this or that, then it becomes true. If we let doubt fill our minds, then there will be no room to see any possibility for achievement.  It is normal to have some doubts but too much of it is distracting. Doubt looks only at our limitations while courage looks only at opportunities to see beyond our limitations. In courage, we can do things in spite of our doubts; that’s what builds confidence. We don’t have to keep from doing something, when we don’t really know if we can. Why not we find out and are pleased either way.


Push Through Doubts

Spring is pushing through
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Lots of things that couldn’t be done have been done. ~ Charles Auston Bates

There are things that others have done; we can do too. If another human person can do it, then we have the possibility to do it as well. We may need training or schooling or more training, but it can be done. If we want it bad enough, then we will carry out our goals. We just have to believe in our selves and develop our potentials into abilities. Daily practice helps us to get closer to our goals. We got to push through our doubts and see how far we can go. We know that our doubts can hold back our potentials and dreams, but with courage we won’t have to hold back instead push through.

We Have the Ability to Go Against Our Resistances

Jon's Bowflex
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We all have the ability to learn. We have the ability to experience. We have the ability to think, plan and execute the most basic of things.  If we have these abilities then how come we have so little faith in ourselves to do the things we desire the most?

What we desire usually is a life-changing event. Also what we desire or what goals we want to obtain usually requires of us great labor. If we want to make things happen, we must go against our resistances.

Going against our resistances mean staying focus, even though we don’t feel like working on the project or experiencing doubts, we must do it anyway. When we do it anyway in spite of our lack of motivation or self-doubts, we begin to learn about self-discipline.

If the mind is disciplined, then the rest of body will obey and carry out what is necessary to obtain or complete the goal.

Blind Spots

Ford Focus review 3 of 7
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

It’s very important to listen to friends and family sometimes when we’re in the state of self-doubt. We need a push from friends and family when we believe we can’t do something.

It’s all right to listen to them when they believe in us. When they see the qualities of what it takes to carry out something within us, believe them. They have more objectivity than we do because they see what we’ve done over the years.

Not only we have blind spots of our weaknesses but we also have blind spots of our strengths, and that’s what they see in us.  We don’t know what qualities we have until someone points them out to us.

Believe in the Possibilities

day 7: Possibilities
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

If we don’t believe in what’s possible, then we don’t have a clear picture in what’s possible. Knowing what’s possible is really looking back at our experiences. In our experiences, we can see that we have made accomplishes and have achieved successes.

Looking back at our experiences are our resources to help us to look into the future in what we could do that’s possible. This exercise is useful because when fears, doubts, and excuses are keeping us from doing what we want to do in our lives, we can always look at what we have done in our pasts that can helps us through them.

If we believe in the impossibility, then our minds are closed. A closed mind doesn’t consider or wonder what’s possible even when we see clearly what’s possible for someone else. We don’t want to believe it to be possible for ourselves because it seems so foreign to us.

If we imagine ourselves outside looking in only seeing the other person doing what’s possible, then it would feel foreign to us to consider doing it ourselves. But if we paint a picture of ourselves doing what we believe is possible, then we will have better grip on the new situation.

Uncertainty About Life

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We all experienced feeling uncertain about things. We want to know everything before we begin something.

That’s good to a certain extent but eventually we will have to move past the knowing, because we will truly know something if we experience it. Uncertainties are what we think might happen in the future.

But what we think might happen in the future is really mostly in our heads and not truly real. No one can predict the future, wondering what’s going to happen in the future is just only that— “just wondering.”

Life is about experiencing things through our senses, like seeing the beautiful sky, enjoying an after rain smell, and feeling and hearing the wind blowing against our bodies, and with experiences like these make our hearts sing about how life is wonderful.

When We Believe in Limited Beliefs

Shooting tethered.
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

When we live with limited beliefs, we rob ourselves of the opportunity to see how far we can go in our abilities. If we have a belief that says we can’t do a certain thing, then pursuing it is out of the question.

We have lost the choice to see and do what we want to do. If we have a belief that says we can’t do this or that because it’s too difficult, then we create a resistance to doing it.

However, we can always challenge our limited beliefs. Inner proof is more powerful than someone trying to persuade us that we can do it. We need to test our beliefs ourselves.

Stating the Obvious

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

The way out is through the door. Why is it that no one will use this exit? —CONFUCIUS

This above quote is stating the obvious. What is it that keeps us from seeing the obvious when it comes to solving a problem or finding a solution?

Once we see that the problem is solvable, it’s hard to go back to the original thinking. The solution is clear to us. We have dropped our assumption we had about the problem, thus in hindsight the solution seem so obvious.

We know that assumptions are beliefs we hold true without testing it. Our assumptions like to feed on our doubts. Assumptions are like having blinders on; we cannot see beyond them.

We can only see darkness, but if we take them off, then we can see clearly everything.


So Far So Good: Breaking Down Fears

Written By Eugene Morgan

“A man jumped off the top of a skyscraper.  As he passed the third floor window he was heard to mutter: ‘So far so good’.”

When it comes to fear, we don’t jump into something without having some reservations. Most of our fears aren’t about jumping into something that causes death.

The example above is extreme, but sometimes what we fear, feels like we’re jumping into something that causes certain death. But most of our fears are all in our head; they aren’t real.

I don’t recommend anyone to jump. But whatever we fear that we have to jump into, we can have the attitude of the man who said, “So far so good.”

This attitude can help us get through the fear, knowing that whatever event that’s increasing our fear, we can say to ourselves: “So far so good,” whether that’s speaking in a front of a large audience, flying or getting in an elevator. The only thing that’s certain is uncertainty, but we take courage anyways.

Worrying, Or Action

Worried - 62/365
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Worries mean inaction and action means no worries. Some of us have a tendency to worry so much about things. Worrying keeps us from doing anything about it.

But if we make a plan of action, our worries decease. Now we need to worry enough to consider the possibility to do something about it.

But just worrying usually doesn’t change a thing that we’re worrying about. It’s where we place our attention. Do we want to attend to worrying or do we want to attend to action?

Some of us want to worry just to delay the inevitable, action.  Most of time, what we’re worrying about, requires us to act.

Out of the Pit of Self-Doubt

The Lavender Pit
Written By Eugene Morgan

Self-doubt can limit our choices. Without choices no one is free. Unless we widened our mind, we won’t see choices that are in front of us to make.

Self-doubt is another obstacle we have to go through or around in life. Usually self-doubt is created when something new that challenges our capabilities.

Doubt likes to occupy our thoughts where we can’t think of anything else. It’s difficult to find alternatives in a situation when one doubts.

So how do we get out of the pit of doubts? We think of what we can do in the situation, unlike-doubt focuses on our limitations of what we think we can’t do.

Once we preoccupy our thoughts with what we can do, we feel the sensation of taking action.

Illuminating Our Dark Side

What is life? An illusion, a shadow, a story. And the greatest good is little enough: for all life is a dream, and dreams themselves are only dreams.

Written by Eugene Morgan

“If you are uncertain about something, you tend to avoid it.” Milton Erickson

Uncertainty is another word for doubt.  Doubting is another form of not knowing.  We don’t know how we will react to something revealed to us that’s unknown. When we fear the unknown, our fears begin to grow.  It can grow into other areas of our lives as well, if we’re not careful.  Our scope of understanding gets narrowed, when we don’t seek out and learn what’s behind the  door of the basement cellar.   We can open the cellar door and turn on light of knowledge and learn something valuable really about yourself.  We create our reality and our truth about ourselves and project them into the world.

Fearing Little is the Only Way Out

Frightened sticker
Written By Eugene Morgan

“And what do you need to fear? Very little that you need to fear.” Milton Erickson

Fear is a feeling. Fear saves lives. Fear is paralyzing. Fear speaks the truth about something. Fear speaks lies, too. Our assumptions about things can fuel a fear. Fear, if not felt, is projecting into something threatening that doesn’t exist. Fear is very real but a perceived danger isn’t. There are big fears and little fears. Big fears are unmanageable but if broken down into smaller fears— manageable.  Erickson, says in his above quote, there is very little that we need to fear.

Today Was Once Tomorrow

Life starts today
Written By Eugene Morgan

“People always have that tendency to put off working on a problem to tomorrow,” Milton Erickson.

Working on a problem isn’t always fun and games. When we put off working on a problem, it stays in front of us. It never leaves our sight. It hovers around the top of our heads like flies—waiting for us to do something about it.

When a problem is dealt with, it’s no longer in front us, it’s behind us; we have noticed it lessened our anxiety level; we have realized that we have made the problem bigger than it actually was; and we have felt the weight of the problem lifted from us. So whatever the problem was, we got through it, since we have experienced working through it before.

Erickson is implying, in the above quote, that the capacity in us can help us deal with the problem. Notice that Erickson says “working on a problem;” not fixing or solving a problem. He wants us to begin the process of working on a problem today; thus giving our full attention on the problem today.

If today was tomorrow and will be yesterday, then there is nothing we can do about tomorrow and/or yesterday, but we can about today!