Listen to Reasoning and Follow your Heart

Post Written By Eugene Morgan Anyone who is alive today has the stuff to bring a dream into reality. We just need to get out-of-the-way and let things happen. Either we hold ourselves back, or we believe what others tell us; that it won’t work. It’s okay to listen to our loved-ones and friends because […]

Accepting Inconveniences as a Part of Life

Written By Eugene Morgan Sometimes we think certain things limit us from doing what we want. So we try to plan for options that would put excitement in our lives. But the reality is that we will always have inconveniences in our lives. Inconveniences are a part of life. We have to learn to accept […]

Conquering the small stuff First

Post Written By Eugene Morgan Yes, it is hard to start a new project just as it is hard to complete one. If we just focus only on how difficulty it’s to start or complete a project then we won’t start or complete one. It’s all right to look at the end (the completed project). […]

When Views are influenced

Post Written By Eugene Morgan After we have renewed ourselves visiting our loved-ones, we can take on the days ahead. Our unconscious mind is altered when we visit someone who we haven’t seen for a while. It is because each one of us brings to gathering different points of view from different backgrounds. We’re changed […]


Post Written By Eugene Morgan Thanksgiving is a time to get together with families and friends. It’s a stressful time as well. Some of us have families far away to meet and some of us don’t have any families at all. Thanksgiving is a time to catch up on what the other has done for the […]

Can Adults Learn From Children?

Post Written By Eugene Morgan What can we learn from children? A child likes to explore freely without limits. A child is not afraid to make a mistake when learning something new. A child enjoys learning new things while playing. A child looks at things from a different view than an adult. Everything a child […]

How do we Define a Problem

Post Written By Eugene Morgan What is a problem?  What criteria do we use to define a problem? Our criteria are a set of values we place on our external and inner world that’s in some way affecting us. What one person may think it’s a problem may not be a problem for another.  A […]

Surprise, Shock, and Affirmations

Post Written By Eugene Morgan Being surprise is a temporary moment when our minds open up and want to grab hold of something meaningful before the moment of surprise disappears. Milton Erickson uses shock and surprise with his students and his subjects to get them out of rigid mind sets.  His subject is caught off […]

Accepting All Parts of Us

Post Written By Eugene Morgan Do we know ourselves? If we knew more about ourselves, we could make better decisions. It’s all right to have our likes as well as know about our dislikes. It’s all right to have strengths as well as know about our weaknesses. It’s all right to feel vulnerable in front […]

On Being Emotionally Free

Post Written By Eugene Morgan What we feel is very important to us.  When we hurt emotionally, we need to feel our pain to heal.  Sometimes we raise our shields, when we don’t want to face a painful memory, or a painful truth about ourselves. We need to feel the most, when it’s the most […]

We Live For Passion

Written By Eugene Morgan What are some of the things we’re passionate about? Our passions are our labor of love. Passion is a great motivator; it fuels our actions. Work, family, or some sort of hobby are one’s passion. While we’re doing something else, we can look forward to the things we’re passionate about.  Life without […]

Creative Exercise

Written By Eugene Morgan Sometimes we want ideas to come to us quickly, but that’s not usually the case. Instead of waiting for an idea, we can do various exercises to stimulate our minds. One good exercise, is to read a book starting with the last page and guess or predict what’s on the previous […]

Happiness Requires Great Labor

Written By Eugene Morgan If we know what things make us happy, why don’t we pursue them?  What stops us from pursuing what matters to us? What we want is just a dream, if we don’t pursue and make a plan. We need a plan or a direction or a goal to keep on track […]

Start Today, Not Tomorrow

Written By Eugene Morgan Procrastination likes to eat our time up. Why do we wait for tomorrow to start a new project, when we have today? We do expect tomorrow will come, but what is certain is that we have today. Today is a time for productivity, because if we don’t start now, we will […]

Give a little encouragement

Written By Eugene Morgan When we see potential in others, we are really seeing potential in ourselves and that’s a good thing. If we encourage someone about his or her potential, maybe we can encourage ourselves as well to development something out of our potentials. Those who we encouraged will more likely encourage us. When […]

Body Knowledge

Written By Eugene Morgan We don’t realize how much learnings we have acquired over the years because we don’t give it a second thought about it.  Since infancy we have discovered our right hand by trying to grab hold of our right hand with our right hand. Then our right hand discovered our left hand […]

Deleting Our Past

Written By Eugene Morgan There are things in our lives we wish we could delete. It is easier to delete a word or a sentence from our computer than to delete something in our lives that we don’t want to face.  These issues will always come up for us.  Pop psychology would call this “unfinished […]

Teaching and Learning

Written By Eugene Morgan What’s the difference between teaching us something and learning something? Teaching ourselves something means guiding and directing and making sure we’re on the right track of things. Learning is our way of experiencing something.  How do we react or act in certain situation is a learning experience, something we learn about […]

Down to earth Truisms

Written By Eugene Morgan What is a truism?  Truism is something we experience on a daily basis that we know it’s true.  For example, we know based on experience that the sun will rise. When we throw a ball up in the air, we know it will fall down to earth. When the temperature drops, […]

What are your Desires?

Written By Eugene Morgan Do we know want we want in life?  What are our desires? Have we asked ourselves what we really want in life? Sometimes, we go through life not knowing what we want or what we wish in our lives. Perhaps we don’t give ourselves permission to even to think that way. […]