Ericksonian Fable: The Barks Behind The Tree

Written By Eugene Morgan The old man heard faint barks amidst the forest.  He went into the forest to investigate.  Where he heard the barks, nothing was there.  So he left the forest, then later the barks started up again.  He  returned to the forest but found nothing.  This time the old man stayed in […]

Creating Freedom In Our Lives

Written By Eugene Morgan Milton Erickson often tells stories to aid in helping his patients to make changes.  Most of his stories are about accomplishing goals and overcoming obstacles.  He wants his listeners to identify with a character, thus experiencing what the character is experiencing.   In a way, Erickson is getting his listeners to create […]

Discovering Our Uniqueness

Written By Eugene Morgan “Every individual is unique…  There are no duplicates.” (Milton Erickson)   My Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines unique as “being the only one of its kind.”  Can we imagine that there was never an “us” at beginning of human existence up into the day of our births and there will never be an […]