Watching The Clock

Time is Ticking Out (53 de 52 y 1/2)

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

If we found ourselves focused on how much time we have left and not yet started on a goal or a task, then we’re procrastinating. Procrastination is like a thief in the night. It steals time right beneath our noses. Instead on focusing on how much time we have left, we can focus on what we need to do next. When we focus on what we need to do next, our task becomes specific and tangible. We can better handle our task when we have a clear goal on what to do next step.  When our mind is focus, then everything else will follow. We see that things are getting done. Therefore, things are coming together.


2 thoughts on “Watching The Clock

  1. Straight to the point post that rings so true in how to best move forward in life. I started applying such principles in my life a couple of years ago and things rapidly changed for me in terms of my career, general well-being and relationship. I still fall sometimes and procrastinate about tasks stuff and when that happens, i always feel the effect because i leave it to the last meet and the overall quality of my work suffers. I improve everyday so hopefully will perfect that act one day.

  2. Joe


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