The Mightier Conquers Self

Conquer your Self

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

He who conquers others is strong; He who conquers himself is mighty. — Lao Tzu

We tend to want to conquer others because we think that’s the source of the problem. If we don’t wield our power, someone will.  If we want control back, then we must use our power. We must learn how to conquer ourselves. Therefore, our focus has to be on ourselves, not somebody else for us to change.  It is an illusion to suggest that we can make someone change.  We have free will. Since we have free will, we can decide what we want to do, how we should react to an external situation.  When we don’t feel like doing something that’s difficult, then it is time to conquer self. When we don’t want to get up in the morning, then it is time conquer self. When we put up with it and then do it to completion, we are conquering ourselves.


[bctt tweet=”He who conquers others is strong; He who conquers himself is mighty. — Lao Tzu”]



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