Meaningful Past With Friends

Let Us Reminisce On Yesterday

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Meaning is not what you start with but what you end up with. — Peter Elbow

The struggles and challenges are what we start with that give us meaning in the end. It is, even more, meaningful when we struggle together and help support each other to get through it. It is those memories we tell our story or reminisce about something we did in our past. When there are two or more of us reminiscing the past together, we collaborate and compare memories. One person may recall something we have forgotten. They recall a memory that was long forgotten about because it was more meaningful to them and how it’s impacted their lives the most. As we reminisce, we re-experience the memory as though the event happened yesterday. We’re re-establishing a special bond that we developed many years ago when we reminisce together.


[bctt tweet=”Meaning is not what you start with but what you end up with. — Peter Elbow”]


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