Lessons are Everywhere

First Helicopter Lesson - Getting ready to land at Manassas Airport
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Life is full of lessons. We all experienced something the hard way. Some things are better experienced than told. Those of us who are parents want to tell our kids what they should and shouldn’t do.

Most parents naturally want to protect their kids. When we were kids there were things we preferred told about than experienced.  But most of time as kids we wanted to figure it out ourselves.

But lessons are everywhere; we don’t have to look for them. They’re in the movies we watch, on the news we hear and in the newspapers we read. Some lessons are warnings, others, for most of us, repeated themes in our lives, such as, patience.

Some of us, who are rushing to work, are impatient when we’re behind a slow-moving vehicle.  It’s not the fault of the slow-moving vehicle.  This started when there was a delay, or not getting us enough time to prepare for work.

Whenever we’re having a hard time with something, there is a lesson learned.

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