Find Your Path

The path to Buttermere
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

You got to be careful if you don’t know where you’re going, because you might not get there. ~ Yogi Berra

What is our purpose in life? Why do we want our own path? Each and every one of us has a purpose and a path we must follow. We just got to find it. If we begin to live and breathe our path, or the first thing we think of when we get out of bed and the last thing we think of when we fall asleep, then we know we have found our true path in life. Once we find our purpose and our path we must not hesitate but to pursue it. We ought not deny ourselves of our talents. Each one of us has a special talent that’s aching to be expressed for the world to see. We ought not shield our talents from others our talents are meant for others to be inspired and encouraged to pursue their talents.

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