Every Little Thing We Do Helps

Small things
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We ought not to take for granted the little things we do. The little things we do can make the difference. Sometimes we are too quick to get to the meat of the problem when only we need to do is redirect or slightly change it.

Little things are also the simple things. Some things we do aren’t going to be exciting, however they will be useful. We tend to procrastinate on doing the little things because they are so simple.

But starting to do the simple things now will be useful later because they are the building blocks or the foundation for the exciting parts we want to get to do and enjoy doing.

2 thoughts on “Every Little Thing We Do Helps

  1. MEM

    Thank, Martha, that’s so true.

  2. I would also add: Do something every. single. day. You can accomplish so much if you will just take action every day. Even this is simple, but so few will do it.

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