“Enough In the Way of Bad Luck…”

Luck is... (explored)
Written by Eugene Morgan

“Enough in the way of bad luck can occur, so that you don’t need to add it yourself.” Milton Erickson

What makes matter worse is when we start to panic about something, instead of taking a deep breath and relaxing for a moment. Erickson is telling us in the above quote that we have a choice.  When bad luck occurs in our lives, we don’t have to react, instead, we can find another ways of looking at it.  We can look at it as just a learning experience.  Or we can look for things that brought us good luck before, and, we can add these good things we think will continue to bring us luck. Thinking of the good things that bring us luck can fill our minds.  When we fill our minds with good things, we can better deal with reality of the bad things that bring us down.  When we switch our focus on the things that bring us good luck, this will give us peace of mind, this will relax our bodies, this will help us to feel better and most of all this will renew our energy.  Energy we need to sustain and help us through bad luck situations.




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