A Flexible Approach


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Stay committed in your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach. — Tom Robbins

Flexibility is the high mark for growth and understanding. Flexibility requires us to have an open mind to new things. Learning and flexibility can go hand and hand. Everyone has biases. They keep our mind closed which keep us from learning and experiencing new things. When we keep our approach flexible as Tom Robbins suggested, we are trying different kinds of approaches until we find what works and what doesn’t work. Change require us to be flexible, so we don’t injure ourselves physically or psychologically.  If we want to stimulate some excitement in our lives, we must learn to be more flexible. We can be flexible but also cautious at the same time. Right balance will do.


[bctt tweet=”Stay committed in your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach. — Tom Robbins”]




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