Thinking And Doing

Post Written By Eugene Morgan We all know that we got to think things through before we proceed. But sometime we over think something that we get paralysis from it so we don’t do anything at all. It’s best to think and do. Thinking and doing help us to find out what works and what […]

Stating the Obvious

Post Written By Eugene Morgan The way out is through the door. Why is it that no one will use this exit? —CONFUCIUS This above quote is stating the obvious. What is it that keeps us from seeing the obvious when it comes to solving a problem or finding a solution? Once we see that the […]

Creative Exercise

Written By Eugene Morgan Sometimes we want ideas to come to us quickly, but that’s not usually the case. Instead of waiting for an idea, we can do various exercises to stimulate our minds. One good exercise, is to read a book starting with the last page and guess or predict what’s on the previous […]

Today Was Once Tomorrow

Written By Eugene Morgan “People always have that tendency to put off working on a problem to tomorrow,” Milton Erickson. Working on a problem isn’t always fun and games. When we put off working on a problem, it stays in front of us. It never leaves our sight. It hovers around the top of our […]

Strength Leaning

Written by Eugene Morgan “And how willing are you to lean on your strengths?” Milton Erickson We forget, sometimes, that in other areas of our lives, we do very well in.  When we have difficulty learning something new, we forget that we can use what we’ve learned from other areas of our lives. If, we […]