Beyond What’s Possible

Post Written By Eugene Morgan The limits of the possible can only be defined by going beyond them into the impossible. — Arthur C. Clarke It makes us wonder when we see what’s possible. After we see what’s possible, it makes wonder what’s beyond the possibility. But first, we must entertain the fact what’s possible […]

Do What’s Possible

Post Written By Eugene Morgan Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible. — Francis of Assisi When we start a new thing, we have to jump through hoops, before we start to see progress. Even during the beginning, it’s hard because things are new to us, […]

Impossible Until It’s Done

Post Written By Eugene Morgan It always seems impossible until it’s done. — Nelson Mandela Whenever we see another person do an extraordinary thing, we think it’s no way we can do something extraordinary like that. We forget that we’ve already done things we thought were impossible to do. When trying something new, we thought […]

Take On A Piece At A Time

Post Written By Eugene Morgan “It always seems impossible until its done.” ~ Nelson Mandela (18 July 1918 – 5 December 2013) When we look at something what seem to be impossible to do because we’re looking at it through a skew view. We haven’t given ourselves a chance to investigate what is possible in […]

“I’m Possible!”

Post Written By Eugene Morgan “Nothing is impossible; the word itself says ‘I’m possible!” ~ Audrey Hepburn, Actress Once upon a time, humanity believed that it was impossible to fly, but now we can. Once upon a time, a mathematician dreamed of a crazy idea to build a machine to process data, now we have computers. Once […]

Believe in the Possibilities

Post Written By Eugene Morgan If we don’t believe in what’s possible, then we don’t have a clear picture in what’s possible. Knowing what’s possible is really looking back at our experiences. In our experiences, we can see that we have made accomplishes and have achieved successes. Looking back at our experiences are our resources […]