Respect Yourself, First

Post Written By Eugene Morgan We first have to respect ourselves before we can demand respect from others. If we disrespect ourselves, it would be difficult for us to respect others.  If we disrespect others, it would be difficult for others to respect us. Respect is about doing to others what we would like others […]

Enjoying Ourselves

Post Written By Eugene Morgan When we let ourselves be free to be ourselves inside, it’s easier to enjoy ourselves. We are human beings with different feelings and emotions that we express. Some of us dislike feeling uncomfortable emotion, like anger, because we think anger is what we are. Feelings are not at all who […]

Being Centered

Post Written By Eugene Morgan Sometimes we make things worse than what they are. When we get impatient, we get quick to anger. Anger is the last thing we need when we’re in a situation that needs us to keep our cool. Mistakes are easily made when we’re angry because our minds become cloudy when […]