Nonsense Changes the Mind

More big building reflections nonsense

Post Written By Eugene Morgan I like nonsense; it wakes up the brain cells. — Dr. Seuss

We get our creativity from nonsense. We’re forced to make nonsense out of patterns. But instead our patterns are disrupted, and our skew has been taken from our lens. We can see better what was once unclear. We begin to see that the nonsense is starting to make sense. Nonsense changes our minds to look for options and to see things different than we have before.


[bctt tweet=”I like nonsense; it wakes up the brain cells. — Dr. Seuss” username=”bloggist”]

Life Must Be Lived Forward

On my morning photo walk, I...

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards. — Soren Kierkegaard

IIn hindsight, life can be understood. It’s hard to know our path, but we must continue forward. As long as we move along, we are creating a path for ourselves. Sitting idle while thinking about the past accomplishes nothing. As we move forward, we will make mistakes along the way, but it is a learning experience. Real knowledge is learning from our experiences, according to Albert Einstein.

[bctt tweet=”Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards. — Soren Kierkegaard” username=”bloggist”]

Can We Do More Than We Think We Can?


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

There is no man living that can not do more than he thinks he can.— Henry Ford

This is a powerful statement from Henry Ford because he’s telling us what we think is what we follow. If we believe that we can’t, then we won’t even try, but if we feel we can, we will be more likely to succeed. It boils done to what we believe. Henry Ford is implying in his statement that beliefs can be powerful. So we can only do what we set out to do. It is in the belief that places a certain amount of limitation or help widening our scope.


[bctt tweet=”There is no man living that can not do more than he thinks he can.— Henry Ford” username=”bloggist”]

Decision to Follow Dreams

Roskilde Festival - Dream City

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

It is up to us to decide what we want to do with our life. We all have dreams we want to follow. But sometimes we allow distractions in our lives because we’re resistant to change. We become resistant when the dream starts to become a reality.  We realized that it’s going to take hard work and time. It is time away from what is familiar and comfortable to us. There’s always a price for everything we do, and we just have to weigh our pros and cons to find out what fits us better. We’ve got to find what we like and what is suited for us.


[bctt tweet=”It is up to us decide what we want to do with our life.” username=”bloggist”]

Forget the Rest

Red Light

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Don’t stress. Do your best and forget the rest. — Unknown

We can only do one thing at a time. We can only do so much. And what we do can be our best. So at the end of the day, we can say that we’ve done our best, and we must forget the rest. We must let go, so we have another opportunity to work on things tomorrow.  We can reduce our stress significantly if at the end of the day we then can let go of them because we will need our sleep at night.


[bctt tweet=”Don’t stress. Do your best and forget the rest. — Unknown” username=”bloggist”]

The Good Things


Post Written By Eugene Morgan Be patient. Good things take time. —Unknown

If we’re patient today, it will pay off in the long run. Being inpatient only adds to the frustration of wanting quick results. Good things can happen if we just wait and see. We can learn a lot when we wait and see. We have to let things happen after we do so much. We just have to set the stage and wait for an opportunity to arise. Being inpatient only makes the time seem a lot longer.  Patient allows the situation to unfold by itself.


[bctt tweet=”Be patient. Good things take time. —Unknown” username=”bloggist”]

When the Mind Gains Strength

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

In solitude the mind gains strength and learns to lean upon itself. — Laurence Sterne

Every once in a while, we need some time to be alone so we can renew our strength. A time of solitude is a time to gather our thoughts and reflect back on our life that we’ve lived so far. Solitude is a place where we may need some tuning up again. It is all right to revisit this place of solitude when we need to clear our heads so we can be at a level of strength to deal with everyday life again. We don’t live in a vacuum, and we will be affected by life’s challenges and worries. Therefore, some time away is necessary for all of us.

[bctt tweet=”In solitude the mind gains strength and learns to lean upon itself. — Laurence Sterne” username=”bloggist”]




The Next Time

Pacifica Pier

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

To create more positive results in your life, replace ‘if only’ with ‘next time. — Celestine Chua

Someone who regrets start with the thought, “If only,” and while someone who wants to learn from something “next time.”  Regrets have us to look back on what we could have done but waited until tomorrow when that day never came. But if we act today, then we can measure better how much we have to do to get results we want. After a long day of working on something, we have the opportunity to know what we can do next.


[bctt tweet=”To create more positive results in your life, replace ‘if only’ with ‘next time. — Celestine Chua” username=”bloggist”]


It Just Blooms

Blooming Cactus

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

A flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it. It just blooms. — Zen Shin

We don’t need to compete with another for us to become better. It’s about competing with ourselves. We become free when we’re self-motivating. It’s all right to be ourselves. When we are ourselves, we are saying that we accept ourselves. We don’t have to compare ourselves to another because we’re unique from everybody else. It doesn’t take that much energy to be ourselves than to be someone else. We don’t have to hide from the world. We ought to show the world what we see inside ourselves because not everyone is going to reject us.


[bctt tweet=”A flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it. It just blooms. — Zen Shin” username=”bloggist”]

The Future Is Tomorrow

Museum of Tomorrow / Museu do Amanhã

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

The best thing about the future is that it comes only one day at a time. — Dean Acheson

So it is better to work on things today because we will know how much we’ve accomplished the next day. The day we start is the day we begin to alter our future. We just have to take action. The more we take action the closer we get in meeting our future goals. So why do we stall in we don’t need to? A part of us wants change in our life, and another part of us wants to stay in our comfort zone. Sometimes, there is an external conflict in want we want to do. We’re never going to be perfect if we’ll waiting to plan out everything before we start something. The sooner we start, the better we are in the long run.


[bctt tweet=”The best thing about the future is that it comes only one day at a time. — Dean Acheson” username=”bloggist”]