Facing Daily Challenges

Running summer
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Dialog: Question: How’s it going? Answer: Same stuff, different day.

The same things that come into our lives repeatedly are the things we handle in the same way. Maybe if we change our attitudes about things that trouble us, we would be in a better place to handle them.

We are going to face challenges daily in our workplace and in our homes. The same things are going to creep up during our daily lives.

If we just accept them as opportunities as daily challenges, then we can conquer some of these challenges as we make it through the day.

Since we all know that these challenges are repeated offenders, then how come we’re surprised by them?  We quickly forget that we have gone through similar challenges before and we can tame our reaction responses and be proactive when they occur in our lives.

Adversities, But Life Continues On Anyway

misfortune cookie
Written By Eugene Morgan

Adversities are a time for growth.  At times, adversities are overwhelming to deal with.  But we don’t have to be alone in our personal adversities; that’s what friend and families are for; they’re our supporters when going through misfortunes.

During adversities there seems to be a spiritual element.  We tend to ask ourselves “why is this happening to me.” But hard times are only temporary.

Misfortunes don’t have to be a liability to one’s life but an opportunity to reconnect with others. No one is without adversities; it is part of the human condition.  Life continues with and without adversities; life just continues.

Reconcile To the Unfairness of Life

Life ring
Written By Eugene Morgan

“I had to learn to reconcile myself to the unfairness of life,” Milton Erickson

Life is not always fair and we must reconcile ourselves of this truism.  If we put  effort into something, then a reward should come our way.  If we give or make sacrifices for the greater good we should get something in return.  When good people work so hard to get somewhere but find that there is nothing at the end of day, that’s very difficult to reconcile.

Erickson learns this early on in his career as a physician when he had to tell the grim news to a young beautiful girl that she’d been diagnosed with a fatal disease and then Erickson treated an older patient who has lived his life as an alcoholic and is in reasonable good health, who may live way into his 80s.  Well, Erickson had to reconcile himself to the unfairness of those two examples.  Erickson had to close his eyes and increase his scope of his entire career.  Because he know he had better reconcile now, because as he grows into his career, he will alway meet the unfairness of life.  This is a good lesson we should all live in our own careers and personal life that life is not always fair.