We See Things Through Self

Night Sky
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Learning about self can be a sacred spiritual experience. Most religions based their teachings about self and how we should live our lives. Psychology is the study about behaviors, thinking and feelings of the self. Psychiatrist focuses on mental disorders about the self. Science studies and gathers information about the environment where self resides.

Self is pretty much involved in everything we do. We cannot separate self from self. We will always see things through self. Self will always influence self subjectively so we might as well start to learn about self. Self is the product of the universe. When we close our eyes we not only see darkness but we see sparks of light that look like stars as though we are looking at night sky seeing a glimpse of the universe.  But what we’re seeing is self.

It’s All Right to Please Ourselves, Too

humanity. love. respect.
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

When we don’t do the things we asked ourselves to do, we disappoint ourselves.  It’s all right to please others as long as we please ourselves as well.  When we please others, we go out of our way to make them happy. When we have desires, we can go out of our way to make ourselves happy.

It’s all right to treat self with respect. When we say we’re going to set a goal and meet the goal, we’re respecting ourselves, but if we don’t follow through with our goals we have set then we’re disrespecting ourselves and disappointment and self-doubt can set in.

Since we’re always going to live with ourselves, we might as well get some self-respect. When we start respecting ourselves, things begin to happen, things begin to open up for us.

Learning To Be

Levitation is a Reality

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Learning to be one’s self can be the most difficult thing to do. Others may want us to be a certain way. Really, others may want us to be a certain a way for them.

Sometimes, we find ourselves doing the same;wanting someone to be what we think they should be or should act. However, we’re all unique in our own way.

Our uniqueness makes things interesting in the world. We ought to respect one another’s uniqueness and accept our own. Each one of us brings in a unique view to the world because all of us need to know different points of views.Variety creates choices and new understandings to old things

On Being Patient With The Self

Duck Crossing.
Written By Eugene Morgan

We’re not going to get everything right. In fact, it’s impossible to get everything right. We can strive to be our best and accept our limits.

Sometimes we set our expectations too high that we become paralyzed and give up. If we just were patient with ourselves, then the task before us gets easier, if we give it time.

If we push ourselves too much, then our anxiety level will elevate. We are creature of habit. We love our routines and our favorite routes we take daily.

When we take on a new thing, we let it threaten or disrupt our daily routine. Making readjustment to our behavior is very important, if we want to grow.

Be Confident Being You

Be Your Self by Anna Laurini
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Instead of being impressed about the confidence that another may have, we ought to be confident being ourselves because being confident in ourselves means self-acceptance.

Without self-acceptance there is no confidence. Being confident means feeling good about our selves while in the moment. When we’re confident in ourselves others take notice.

Others are drawn to us when we express confidence, because other people want to know more about us. Expressing confidence is not about hiding our faults.

Besides, no one is without fault. In spite of our faults, we can express our confidence.  Being confident is fully being our selves without reservations.

We don’t have to wonder how others think about us because we’re already accepting everything about us; therefore, we’re more accepting of others.

What is Self-Worth?

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

What is self-worth? Self-worth means placing emphasis on how much we value ourselves. How much we value our selves affects every area of our lives. Self-worth can affect our relationships, it can affect our work, and it can even affect our health.

If our self-worth decreases, then those fore mentioned areas of our lives will be affected negatively as well. If our self-worth increases, then those fore mentioned areas of our lives will be affected positively as well.  Increasing our self-worth means to believe and trust in our abilities. Our capacities are there we just need to run with them. The resources are there too, we just need to use them.

Move From Within

view from the city walls
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Do we know our defenses?  Do we know what stops us from doing what we want to do? In psychoanalysis, a defense is a mechanism used to protect a bruised ego.

We don’t like to feel exposed because there is the possibility that when we succeed in something, we get noticed. When we get noticed there is potential for criticisms or attacks as well as praises.

This is one of many reasons why we fear success.  But we don’t have to base our motivations on external things but we can base our motivations on what drives us inside that moves us into action.

What drives us from within and where we place our attention is more important than reacting to criticisms and attacks, because they can be detractors, if we’re not too careful.

Be You, Not Me

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

One thing is true is that we can never be original when we continue to imitate someone. Each one of us is unique; therefore, it’s all right to find our own voice.

And it’s all right to find our own style. It’s all right to admire someone. What we are admiring is the person’s originality and uniqueness.

It’s all right being you.  It’s all right being me. This is where acceptance comes in to play. Self-acceptance encourages us to grow into what we should become. It’s feels right and natural when we become who we suppose to be.

Others like us not because of what things we do, but because of who we are as people.  What we do is a product of who we are.

Life is a work in Progress

Work in Progress
Written By Eugene Morgan

Sometimes we allow our egos to get in the way of our progress.  We want to impress our family and friends about what we have done.  Our friends and family are supporters not our ego boosters.

We don’t have to be motivated to make it in life by impressing anyone.  Instead, we can ask ourselves how can we be better people, and what can we learn about ourselves in a certain situation?

Because life is a place where we encounter new and difficulty things, it can teach us about ourselves. And that is more important than boasting about something to our friends.

Believe You Can

We Believe
Written By Eugene Morgan

“Believe you can and you’re halfway there,” Theodore Roosevelt.

This quote speaks volumes. It is the belief in the self what makes the difference. Believe in self is a powerful motivator. When we believe we can do something, it is about our abilities.

When we believe in our abilities, we take advantage of opportunities that come our way.

So a lot of what we can do, has a lot to do with believing in self.  In other words, half of the time is about believing we can and the other half is about doing the work we’re capable of doing.