A Good Plan Will Do


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow. — Proverb

In other words, we don’t have to make our plan perfect before we start. We won’t ever start if try to make a perfect plan. However, we can start with a good plan and make the plan better as we move along. The most important thing is that we start executing our plan because we won’t know what we need to improve on until run through the plan. Today is always a good time to start. We don’t have to wait until tomorrow to begin. Sure, there will be mistakes made, but as long as we pay attention to the kinds of mistakes we’ve made and learn from them, then we can make a better plan. Planning is better than procrastinating because you’re not in a hurry to get it done. When we plan, we have more control over what we’re doing.

[bctt tweet=”A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow. — Proverb” username=”bloggist”]


Doing Our Best Today

future systems, copenhagen harbour, 2004-2008

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today. — H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Today ought to be the most important day because our future depends on it. Since we only have today to spend our time, then it is important to plan one or two things we know we should do to alter our future. If we have some anxiety about tomorrow or our future, then it means that we haven’t been doing anything today to change it or prepare for it. If we prepare today, then we will be ready tomorrow. We can’t predict or totally alter our future, but we can alter ourselves for the future. Anything could happen between now and our future.  Tomorrow starts with our future or even 6 hours from now is in the future. So the future doesn’t have to be very far away. How ever we spend our time now will determine how well we adjust to our future.


[bctt tweet=”The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today. H. Jackson Brown, Jr. “]