Digging Deeper

Archeological dig continues to discover new artifacts on USACE construction site in Wiesbaden

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Sometimes we need to dig a little deeper to learn about ourselves. It is easier to stay on the surface of things than to dig deeper. Digging deeper is about stopping for a moment and paying closer attention to our behaviors, our thinking and our feelings. It is easier to be on autopilot and not dig. But if we continue on autopilot, we continue to stay unchanged in our ways without an understanding of self. It is about knowing “thyself”. It is learning about why we feel a certain way in one situation and not feel a certain way in another. Learning about the self is a humbling and a wonderful experience.

Blind Spots

Ford Focus review 3 of 7
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

It’s very important to listen to friends and family sometimes when we’re in the state of self-doubt. We need a push from friends and family when we believe we can’t do something.

It’s all right to listen to them when they believe in us. When they see the qualities of what it takes to carry out something within us, believe them. They have more objectivity than we do because they see what we’ve done over the years.

Not only we have blind spots of our weaknesses but we also have blind spots of our strengths, and that’s what they see in us.  We don’t know what qualities we have until someone points them out to us.

Mistakes convert into a Wealth of Learning

Wrong Way
Written by Eugene Morgan

“There’s a wealth of learning you get from making mistakes.” Milton Erickson

We have to risk doing something to make a mistake.  It’s okay to make mistakes as long as we can learn something from them.  Learning something from a mistake means making adjustments to the situation.  If we continuing to make the same mistakes, this means we haven’t learned anything yet or made any adjustment to our attitude and behavior.  Making adjustments mean making changes.  As long as we’re alive we’re going to make mistakes but also we’ll have accumulated a wealth of learning. Learning used as resource to breathe wisdom into a difficult situation.

Diversity and Acceptance

Written by Eugene Morgan

“I think the faults that you recall in human beings give their charm to that individual that enable you to recognize and remember that individuals,” Milton Erickson

No one is perfect.  We all come in different shapes, sizes and colors.  Perfection is an internal standard that blinds us from what is real. It can keep us from being objective and observant.  But in the above quote, Erickson reframes it nicely.   He wants us to see our faults as charming and unique.  Erickson believes that acceptance is possible when it comes to our faults. When we accept ourselves as we are, then we can focus on our potentials and on what’s possible for change.  And when we accept ourselves, we can then easily accept the faults of others.   So let us charm ourselves and everyone around us and no longer look for faults to fit some internal standard.  Instead, we see that our faults are just another characteristic or attribute of ourselves.