Expanding Our World


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.”— Anais Nin

Courage is not about taking the fear away. Courage is about living a life we want and dream about. When we have courage, we are giving ourselves the opportunity to expand our worlds so we can discover and see new things. Our world shrinks when we stop learning about ourselves and about the world. Fear and self-doubt is only paralyzing if we don’t go through them. Going through one’s fears means doing what we want anyway. We’re tougher than we think. There are necessary fears and there are unnecessary fears. However, there is little to fear. Courage is only required when we’re in the state of fear.  Since both come from the same place, we might as well take the big step of courage because courage is something we decide and execute. Courage increases our faith in ourselves when fear leaves us to doubt.


[bctt tweet=”Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage. — Anais Nin”]