Curiosity And Answers

Curiosity blinded the Cat

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Curiosity stimulates our brains in to wanting to know something.  Curiosity is the basis of learning something new that’s intriguing. We want to know everything about everything.  Not all our questions will be answered. Not all questions are answerable. Sometimes we’ve got to ask the right questions for us to get satisfying answers. Although our questions changes over the years depending on what’s important to us, we still return back to the basic questions we asked as children to grownups, “Why we are here, what’s out there beyond our solar system, or are they’re other like us?”  If we’re asking ourselves why we are here, then perhaps, we’re looking for a purpose in life. If we want to know what’s out there, then perhaps, we’re looking for exploration. If we are looking for someone who likes us, then perhaps, we’re looking for someone who enjoys the company of another.


Curiosity is Wonderful

Volkswagen Broken Beetle
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Curiosity is our way of learning something we don’t know about but want to know.  We have all experienced as children receiving a surprise toy we were delighted to have. But when the novelty wore off, we no longer had any use for it, because we had done everything with it and bored with it. So we broke opened the toy to find out how it worked. When we opened it, we saw all its components that we really don’t know about. When we attempt to put everything back together, the toy was not quite the same after it was turned on. So we dropped it looking for another thing to play with.

Today is a Gift

What a beautiful day-Bavaria today
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

A day is a gift to us.  Receiving another day gives us an opportunity to celebrate life. It’s a good sign when someone says, “It’s good to be alive.”  When all our senses, hearts, minds and spirits are in sync, we are experiencing a feeling being alive.

We see the blue sky, we feel the wind blowing on our faces, and we smell everything around us. Most of us feel most alive when we’re doing some outdoor activity because our senses seem to take over.

All the outputs from our senses feed our minds and bodies. On rainy and snowy days when we’re indoors, we can recall those memories to re-experience all the outdoor activities that made us feel alive.

Today is a gift because we have another opportunity to connect with one another. Today is a gift because we have another day to learn something worthwhile.

An Idea that grows into more Ideas

Mustard seeds of some sort
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

When we have an idea we ought not be afraid to use it. Not every idea that pops up in our minds will be useful. But it’s nice to see if it can be useful in some way.

Ideas are like finding a new pair of shoes that fit; we have to try many before we find the one that’s fits comfortably.  By applying one idea to a situation, we may learn something else that sparks another idea that may work better.

Ideas are like seeds; we just have to find the right condition and the right climate for them to grow.  A new idea helps us to expand our thinking so we can see things differently than before. Expanding our thinking helps us to look at possibilities that we haven’t seen yet.

Can Adults Learn From Children?

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

What can we learn from children? A child likes to explore freely without limits. A child is not afraid to make a mistake when learning something new.

A child enjoys learning new things while playing. A child looks at things from a different view than an adult. Everything a child sees is from a clean slate.

Everything a child explores is new.  A child enjoys listening to stories. A child enjoys touching everything with his or her hands which includes tasting everything else.

A child can do anything, as long there’s a parent present to keep the child safe. Exploration and experience is a reoccurring theme that we can learn from a child. Scientists, archeologists, anthropologists, researchers are really children in grown up bodies.

Creativity, Learning and Wondering

Written By Eugene Morgan

There will always be a battle between what we don’t see and what’s revealed to us. Creativity is not easily given away.  We must work for it. We have a lot of questions unanswered. Creativity is a glimpse of some of those answers that we seek.

Learning the wonderment of life is our entertainment.  Learning is entertaining.  Learning is seeking enlightenment. Life is our teacher; it’s a continuous learning.

When a flash of creativity opens up our minds, we experience an exhilarating feeling of understanding that we never experienced before.  Scientists, philosophers, spiritualists, and other leaders have given their lives for the quest of understanding and experience so as the rest of us, its human nature to search and wonder about life and how we play a part in the universe.

Going Back to The Basics

Written By Eugene Morgan

Sometimes we get stuck in a rut.  We lose our direction or our purpose.  So how do we get unstuck?   Going back to the basics is one way of getting unstuck.

We can go back to a time when our curiosity compelled our interests on a particular thing or a subject. Curiosity had us to wonder and to imagine different ways of approaching things to help in creative problem-solving.

Returning to a good book, or re-watching a good movie, or revisiting an old place can bring up long forgotten images or feelings. These forgotten images and feelings is a powerful tool to help us in our creative juices.