Truth and Opinions

Grains of salt
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Don’t keep searching for the truth, just let go of your opinions.” ~ Buddha

It is easy to let our opinions create our world and cloud our judgment. We can be quick to label things when we don’t understand them. In so many ways, we’re pushing the truth away from us by our opinions. Opinions are pre-judgments; pre-judgments aren’t interested in the truth. Truth is not something that we will discover in minutes. Truth is a life long discovery. As we journey through life, our opinions change. If we’re opened minded about things, maybe a gain truth will fall our way.

Going Beyond Barriers

Christine Merrill
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We all have barriers that restrain us from doing what we want to do. Fear of failure, the unknown, lack of information, not willing to learn, time, lack of support, to name a few, could be described as barriers that obstruct us from doing what we want to do.

But these barriers are distracters. They take our attentions away from what is important— action! Action is the key ingredient to making things happen in our lives.

Whatever action we do can affect change. Actions are the accumulated results of progress. Our actions can go beyond our barriers. When we’re in action our attention is in the now. The actions we take on now and everyday will pay off in our future.

As a result of our actions we would have accumulated not only progress, but also the experiences. Experiences are a great resource to rely on when we need them.

Expanding and More Choices

Balloon Fiesta # 1
Written by Eugene Morgan

When we expand our mind, we have more choices thus more creative freedom in our lives. Rigidity is our worse enemy. Rigidity in the dictionary means the lacking of flexibility. We all have some biases about something. At one time in our lives our minds were flexible and unstructured. But as we grew older, because we began to see how complicated and enormous the world was, we developed mental short cuts to simplify our world. But now it’s time for us to learn again. Expanding our minds is like filling a balloon up with helium, it begins to rise.  Our minds like a balloon are no longer tethered by gravity, they’re free and can clearly see everything.

Surprise, Shock and Barriers

Barrier Of Entry
Written by Eugene Morgan

Milton Erickson often uses surprise and shock to break up the barriers of the conscious mind.  Surprises are meant to be delivered unexpectedly to the person. In life when we’re presented with something unexpectedly, our conscious mind is temporarily off-balance. This unbalance of the conscious mind awakens the unconscious mind. This creates an unconscious search to make sense out of what just happened.

Erickson capitalizes on this by giving his subjects positive suggestions to their unconscious mind, this is after telling them shocking statements. The suggestions are then appraised, evaluated, and reviewed by subject’s unconscious mind before accepting or rejecting it. If the suggestions are useful for the subject, then the unconscious mind will accepted it. Hopefully, a seed is planted and we wait and see what grows.

“I win Olympic Championships”

Written by Eugene Morgan

“Out of a wheelchair I win Olympic championships all the time.” Milton Erickson

As you can see from most of Erickson’s quotes, he’s good at turning a phrase. It’s interesting how he links “a wheelchair” with winning “olympic championships” together. The message he wants us to get is that in spite of  our limitations, we don’t have to yield to them.  Erickson made himself an example for people around him that he set goals and carry them out even in a wheelchair. All of us have different kinds of limitations that get in the way of our goals. Erickson wants us to stop looking at our  limitations, and start looking toward our goals we set  and win championships. It’s also interesting that Erickson didn’t say he won the state, national, or international championships, he said Olympic championships.  In other words, he’s saying be unafraid to go for the big win—go for gold!