The Curious Paradox

RT 093

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change. — Carl Rogers

So most of us may think regarding what we don’t accept or dislike about ourselves, we must change. However, Carl Roger was trying to explain to us that it is easier to make a change if we first accept the parts we dislike about ourselves. Yes, we can accept all our foibles; however it’s hard to change every foible. We can change some things that are maybe affecting our relationships or job performance. It is interesting that we can hone in on someone else’s weaknesses better than we see our own. What we dislike the most in someone else’s is surely a reflection of our stuff. Although it’s hard to change ourselves, it is not impossible as long we’re aware of what we need to be modified. Again, let us accept ourselves before we do anything to make a change because we owe that to ourselves and others.

[bctt tweet=”The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change. — Carl Rogers”]


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