New Behaviors And New Thinking

Catch Light
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

For us to change a behavior we have to replace it with another behavior. We developed behaviors to meet a certain need, but when that need is met we no longer need the behavior. The behavior is obsolete. It is difficult to let go of the behavior because it is so ingrained in our psyche. The behavior becomes a part of our personality. It is time to replace the behavior with a new one when the behavior becomes a problem instead of a solution. This is done gradually and slowly with a lot of patience. The old behaviors usually are attached to an old pattern of thinking. Replacing an old behavior with a new one will break up the old pattern of thinking into something fresh and new.


2 thoughts on “New Behaviors And New Thinking

  1. MEM

    Hi Roy,

    Aren’t habits are behavior patterns used in repetition?


  2. We don’t NEED to replace one behavior with another- it’s just easier to replace a habit with another one…You can elect to STOP something cold turkey; replace it with nothing… it just leaves a hole that is better replaced with another, so the event we wish to terminate is securely removed.

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