Deleting Our Past

Glint in the eye
Written By Eugene Morgan

There are things in our lives we wish we could delete. It is easier to delete a word or a sentence from our computer than to delete something in our lives that we don’t want to face.  These issues will always come up for us.  Pop psychology would call this “unfinished business.”

Feelings and emotions come up and we don’t know why.  We all experienced a tear flowing down our cheeks and we don’t know why that is.  We’re not thinking about anything particular that would cause that.

A sound, a word, an image can trigger something from our past.  There are  things we aren’t aware of or things we’ve forgotten about that can be a trigger from our past.

How can we put perspective on our unfinished business? Well, the past will always be in the past, there is no turning back. But current events in our lives that trigger feeling and emotions are just indicators that we must stand back and look consciously at what those are and deal with them properly.

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