Cloud of Smoke

Glacier - The Sign

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

There is not one big cosmic meaning for all, there is only the meaning we each give to our life. — Anais Nin

If we learn today, we will have skills tomorrow and for the rest of our lives. What skills we have today are what we learned yesterday or many years ago. Therefore, what decisions we make today will always influence our future tomorrow just as the past decisions affect what we’re doing with our lives today. What are the most important things we did this morning are now the least important things we do at night. Our priority changes as the day progresses. Although there are patterns and routines we go by, not everything we think is set in stone. It depends on the context. Context is everything. Context clarifies our meanings and helps us to sort through the cloud of smoke.


[bctt tweet=”There is not one big cosmic meaning for all, there is only the meaning we each give to our life. — Anais Nin”]





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