Happiness….Conscious Choice


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Happiness is a conscious choice, not an automatic response.”— Mildred Barthel

The above quote is implying that we have a choice in the matter of our happiness.  We can choose to be happy.  We have the power to leave the situation that’s making us unhappy. Leaving the situation is a choice. If we don’t have choice in the event that’s causing grief, then we still have a choice to be happy. Being happy is an internal experience while expressing the experience externally. Happiness is an altered state of being. We can change our mood by experiencing something that makes us happy. We have happy memories that we can recall and re-experience the memories as though we are there in real time. The part of brain won’t know the difference but it will make a difference as we experience the sensory of happiness throughout our body.

Numerous Possibilities

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“The possibilities are numerous once we decide to act and not react.”—

If we don’t see any possibilities in our lives, then we have fewer choices to act.  It’s all right to allow our mind to open up to new possibilities. There will always be some anxieties when we have only limited options to choice from. As our mind opens up for new possibilities, we will begin to see that we have more choices and with more choices we have less anxiety in our lives.   When we have more choices, then we have an opportunity for more action.  It really is about changing our mindset. When we begin to change our mindset with a new mindset, we are letting go the old mindset.


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Creativity and Choices


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Creativity is another opportunity to have more choices in one’s life. Creativity is thinking differently than before. Creativity is revelation to something that we don’t know about. Creativity is the result of our imagination. Imagination is the expression of our creativity.  Creativity is permissible. Creativity is without judgments. Creativity is a tool to help to get around the closed doors— rigid thinking. Creativity is another form of choice. Creativity helps us to see beyond what seemed at the time impossible. It is in the way we think about things that we have an opportunity and ability to expand our mind.


The Way We Perceive It


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

No one can perceive things in a 360 degree. We will never see the whole picture. What we perceive will always be through our filters. Our filters are our culture, our education and our background. That means each and every one of us brings in a unique perspective. So if we see someone succeeding far greater than the rest of us, then we know that person has found a way to expand his or her perception. For us to be successful in life we don’t have to see everything, but we can educate ourselves so we can widen our perception. Once our perception is widened then we can see that the choices are more available to us.



Just Take A Risk

One Giant Leap For Man

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” ~ T.S. Eliot

If we look back on our lives, we will see over the years what moved us ahead from where we were before. Those times were the life changing events for us. We forget sometimes that if we want to get ahead, we got to take some risks. Those of us who are afraid to take risks fear either physical harm or ego bruising. But in terms of getting ahead in life, we more likely fear getting our egos crushed than getting physically injured.  So if our ego is afraid of failure, then not risking is inevitable. Failure is only a feedback. Failure can only be failure if we see it as a defeat. Would we rather see our failure as our defeat, or would we see our failure as our feedback—it’s our choice?  If we see failures as feedback, then we can use our feedback as clues to make corrections or adjustments to our behaviors.


Internal Conflicts, or Internal Peace

Peace Of Mind Park
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Having internal conflicts keeps us from doing the things we desire. Sometimes, internal conflicts are fueled by what we desire and what others desire of us.

Sometimes, we need guidance from others, and it’s good to listen to others, and think about what we want to do in our lives.

But, the decision will always be ours to make, just as we must respect and allow others to make their own decisions.

It’s a decision that we’re going to live with not the other person. We have to claim ownership for what decisions are made in our lives.

Internal conflict is very heavy on the shoulders; it’s stressful on the mind and body. We can let go of the conflicts by asking ourselves what do we want that’s satisfying?

This is resolving the conflict and making peace with us. It’s nice to have a mind at peace for a change.

Experiencing The New

freedom ... !
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Experiencing something new is the best way to make a change. Some things are unchanging unless we experience something that will help us change.

To experience something means actually doing something. An experience can help expand our minds so we can see that there are more choices available.

When we have more choices we have more freedom to be more of ourselves. Milton Erickson wants us to discover more about our potentials and ourselves.

He wants our minds to concentrate on the vast store of experiences that we all have and learn to use them when in need and/or desire to free ourselves from the rigid ideas.

Worrying, Or Action

Worried - 62/365
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Worries mean inaction and action means no worries. Some of us have a tendency to worry so much about things. Worrying keeps us from doing anything about it.

But if we make a plan of action, our worries decease. Now we need to worry enough to consider the possibility to do something about it.

But just worrying usually doesn’t change a thing that we’re worrying about. It’s where we place our attention. Do we want to attend to worrying or do we want to attend to action?

Some of us want to worry just to delay the inevitable, action.  Most of time, what we’re worrying about, requires us to act.

Better Decisions and Better Choices

1967 - Penny
Written By Eugene Morgan

The decisions and choices we have made in the past are the direct correlation of what we are doing today.  If we want to change the course of our lives we must make a series of decisions and choices. It’s all right to question our decisions we’ve made in the past. Those decisions were made a long time ago from an old frame of reference of what we we’re thinking at the time.  As we grow older and hopefully matured in our wisdom of life, we can make better decisions and better choices for our lives.  We no longer have to be tethered by old decisions.  We can make new decisions and create more choices based on a new frame of reference.

Expanding and More Choices

Balloon Fiesta # 1
Written by Eugene Morgan

When we expand our mind, we have more choices thus more creative freedom in our lives. Rigidity is our worse enemy. Rigidity in the dictionary means the lacking of flexibility. We all have some biases about something. At one time in our lives our minds were flexible and unstructured. But as we grew older, because we began to see how complicated and enormous the world was, we developed mental short cuts to simplify our world. But now it’s time for us to learn again. Expanding our minds is like filling a balloon up with helium, it begins to rise.  Our minds like a balloon are no longer tethered by gravity, they’re free and can clearly see everything.

Values Make Our Decisions

Written by Eugene Morgan

The things that are important to us are what we value.  Values are the gatekeepers; it helps us make decisions.  Our decisions are based on a set of values on what kind of friendship we have, what kind of car we drive, what kind clothes we wear, and etc. We like to match up with others with the same or similar value system.  So, if we want to know something about ourselves, look at what decisions we’ve made in our lives then, look at the kind of friendships we’ve developed, look at what the kind of books we’ve read, look at the kind of food we’ve eaten, and etc.





Army Photography Contest - 2007 - FMWRC - Arts and Crafts - Without a Face, a portrait of the Soul
Written by Eugene Morgan

‎”The person that has the most to do with what happens to you is you. It’s not somebody else.” Dr. Ben Carson

This quote above falls in line with Milton Erickson’s philosophy in that we have the power within ourselves to improve our situation, if we choose to.  We have it within our control to succeed if we put in the labor that is necessary to get there.  Once we realize that we make the most what happens to us, and then we can direct our energy and align our mind, body and soul to what we want in life. There is freedom in knowing that we can control our path to where we want to go in our lives. There is no freedom in blaming external realities.  Blaming external realities only keeps us prisoners in our self-denial. Instead, let us get out of self-denial and into self-discovery.

Claim Our Independence

2011 4th of July Fireworks
Written by Eugene Morgan

“When one knows the boundaries, restrictions and limitations that governs them he is free to utilize satisfactorily whatever is available.” Milton Erickson

Today is Independence Day.  This is a time to celebrate our Independence, not just with our country but ourselves.  When we started learning how to walk, we were on our way of claiming our independence.  When we started learning how to speak, we were on our way of independence.  When we got our driver’s license, we were on our way of independence. When we graduated from high school we were  on our way of independence.  When we got our first job, we were on our way of independence.  When we turn 18 and then turn 21 years old, we were on our way of independence.  Erickson’s implication in the above quote is that if we don’t know the boundaries, restrictions and limitations that we place on ourselves we won’t believe we have at our disposal the choices to claim our independence.  Apparently, knowing something is about knowledge and knowledge is power.  Therefore, knowing the boundaries and restrictions that governs us is even more powerful; because we are free to use satisfactorily whatever is available within ourselves.