When Feelings Come and Go

wind turbines
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Feelings come and feelings go. We ought to realize we can’t depend on feelings when it comes to starting and completing a project or a task. But most of the time we do feel good after working hard all day.

Even the smallest things we do can give us a feeling of accomplishment.  Starting something new can be the hardest thing to overcome, because we’re truly battling with our thoughts, questioning us about whether this will be worth our time and energy.

These internal conflicts can be settled if we think about the pros and the cons of tasks and what are the risks.

The part of us that’s resistance to starting something new just want to be assured that we’re going to get something out of it, such as, payment, enjoyment, experience, and reward that will help us in the long run.

Risks will always be involved in anything we do. Mistakes big or small will happen. Mistakes are for us to learn and improve.

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