When Creativity is Ready

 the " ∞ " creativity
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

It’s not a good idea to force creativity. Creativity is ready to show itself when we least expected. This is why it’s a good idea to carry a pen and something to write on.

Just as fast as a great idea flashes in our minds, it can be taken away just as quickly. We all experienced when a great idea or a solution pops into our minds that enlightened our understanding while in the middle of doing something else, somehow get distracted by something, that we forget what that great idea was.

The more we try to recall the idea, the more we can’t remember. The good news is that our unconscious or subconscious mind will always bring up new ideas; we just have to catch them.

2 thoughts on “When Creativity is Ready

  1. MEM

    Thanks, Joe.

  2. Joe

    I like the last line!

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