What Do We Think?

worthy toll house

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Your value doesn’t decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth.”—

How much do we think we’re worth depends on how much we value ourselves.  Sometimes, we have the tendency to want everyone to like us because if everyone likes us, then we will feel worthy and feel good about ourselves. We don’t have to depend on anyone for our self-worth. We get our self-worth not just through others but also by what we do for others and ourselves. If we get our self-worth this way, then we don’t care too much about what others think of us instead we care what we think is most important to us.


One thought on “What Do We Think?

  1. Joseph Ramsey

    This is useful advice for someone who doesn’t trust himself. But how do you get confidence in yourself if you don’t trust yourself? It seems like you have to start by finding the things you can trust and build from there.

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