The Sun is Out; Challenging Assumptions

Mercury in second transit contact, is entirely inside the Sun, moving further inward
Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We all make assumptions that aren’t true. There are assumptions that are even in our language, for instance, most of us would say, “The sun is out or the sun is going down.”

Even though, we know that the earth rotates and orbits around the sun.  Therefore, the sun isn’t moving up or going down, it’s the earth’s rotation that’s causing the illusion of the sun moving up and down.

We don’t normally say I can’t wait for the earth to rotate enough to see the sun or to see the sun set. We base our assumptions on our experiences and our personality and background.

Assumptions ought to be challenged. When we challenge our assumptions, we can see farther than before. Questioning assumptions is one of the most useful techniques that help broadened our minds. Challenging assumptions is a useful skill to get to a better understanding of things.

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