The More We Do

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

The more we do, the more we can do. —William Hazlitt

In other words, first do what we already can do. The more we do what we already can do, the more confidence we have in ourselves to do more of what we can do. We develop our skills by repetition as well as confidence.  Our expertise and trust are built upon each other. These things take time and patient with ourselves to develop. It also takes maturity to know that there are some skills that we’re just not good at it and to leave it to those who are good at it. Instead, we can continue to focus on the things we can do and discover new ways of using our gifts to do new things we haven’t yet learn how to do. We don’t have to stay with the belief that we’re only limited to do certain things. Human beings can do an array of things and not every human being can do everything well.  Most of the time, it’s about how much trust in ourselves that we can allow ourselves to learn how to do things that make us most uncomfortable.


[bctt tweet=”The more we do, the more we can do. —William Hazlitt”]




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