The Harder I Work

“I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.”- Thomas Jefferson

When we work harder, there is always a greater possibility that we will succeed. Hard work is never wasted if we don’t give up on the dream.  Thus, through hard work we will learn something new. It is important to note that working hard can create meaning and purpose in our lives. At times, we will surprise ourselves as to how much we’ve enjoyed working hard on a project. After long day of hard work, we can feel satisfied. Sometimes, we resist doing hard work or working hard on a project because it’s too difficult or we think if we feel the desire and satisfaction first, then we will be more willing to work harder. Feelings come and they go.  We can’t rely on our feelings when it comes to doing hard work. We have to decide for ourselves if it is worth spending the time and effort. The bottom-line is that the harder we work, the more opportunities are available.


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