Prove We Can’t Before We Dismiss It

Post Written By Eugene Morgan It’s not who you are that holds you back; it’s who you think you’re not. — Unknown After going down a list of things to ourselves who we think we’re not, then what is left for us to do? Yes, we hide behind a list of what we can’t do because […]

Make Tomorrow Today

Post Written By Eugene Morgan Many fine things can be done in a day if you don’t always make that day tomorrow. — Unknown When we procrastinate, we convince ourselves that we still have time to meet our goals or complete a task. We say to ourselves we still can put off our goals and our dreams […]

Discipline, Goals and Accomplishments

Post Written By Eugene Morgan Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment. — Jim Rohn Discipline is about completing every task that will take us to our goals. Discipline has its own reward. Discipline allows us to stay focus in spite of chaos. Discipline assists us in acquiring good habits. Discipline helps us to hold it […]

We Make The Conditions Perfect

Post Written By Eugene Morgan Do not wait until the conditions are perfect to begin. Beginning makes the conditions perfect. — Alan Cohen Waiting for the perfect condition is another excuse or distraction to keep us from doing what we may perceive to be a difficult task. If we perceive the task to be difficult, then we’re thinking […]

It Takes A Single Thought

Post Written By Eugene Morgan Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think.— Benjamin Disraeli Since we can only go as far as are thoughts, we might as well think of great thoughts. What we think is what we are and do. If we say, that we can’t […]

Making Time For Our Efforts

Post Written By Eugene Morgan “There’s no such thing as being too busy. If you really want something, you’ll make time for it.” — Unknown When we put in the time we’re forced to put in the effort. When we put in the effort, we’re forced to pay attention and to concentrate on the task at […]

Enjoying This Point In Time

< em>Post Written By Eugene Morgan “The whole life of a man is but a point in time; let us enjoy it.” — Plutarch We get so busy with our tasks that we forget to enjoy the hard work we put into it. It’s all right to allow ourselves to enjoy our lives since we have […]

Weather The Storm

Post Written By Eugene Morgan Let us not deceive ourselves into believing that every aspect of a task or tasks we do should always be satisfying. We will have struggles, and not everything will go as plan. We will get frustrated, impatient, and especially at the beginning, have some doubts completing our tasks. These feelings […]

A Laser-Like Focus

Post Written By Eugene Morgan “‎The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus.”—  Bruce Lee When we are focused on a task in front of us, we can’t go wrong because we know we are doing our best. When we are focused with the task, we become as one with it—and it is […]

Expectation Rules

Post Written By Eugene Morgan We all can expect ourselves to do something. Expectation is a part of everyday life. When we fall asleep, we expect to wake up the next morning. We expect to put one foot in front of the other. When we sit in a chair, we expect to stand. When we […]

Grows It Beneath Our Feet

Post Written By Eugene Morgan “The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance; the wise grows it under his feet.” – James Openheim Why not plant the seeds and attend to it daily to make sure it is getting enough sun and water? Happiness is possible when our attention is on what we’re doing now. […]

Two Mistakes

Post Written By Eugene Morgan “There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all the way and not starting.” ~ Buddha Starting a project is one of the most difficult decision to make because we don’t know what we’re getting ourselves into. But we will never know what […]

Confidence Building

Post Written By Eugene Morgan It’s all right to start out small. For us to gain a feeling of confidence, we must start accomplishing small things first. The small things that are not as threatening like things that we know we can do. Confident building is important when it comes to accomplishing a task. We […]

Small Easy Tasks

Post Written By Eugene Morgan Sometimes we get so frustrated with ourselves when we want to make a change but don’t follow through.  When it comes to change, following through is the hardest part because of the belief in our minds that we can’t do it or it’s too difficult or I’m too tired or […]

Procrastinating Our Time

Post Written By Eugene Morgan It is easier to focus on how much time we have left to start a new project than to focus on completing a project.  This is just another way of procrastinating, by focusing our attention on the amount of time we have remaining, instead of working on the task itself. […]

When Feelings Come and Go

Post Written By Eugene Morgan Feelings come and feelings go. We ought to realize we can’t depend on feelings when it comes to starting and completing a project or a task. But most of the time we do feel good after working hard all day. Even the smallest things we do can give us a […]

The Power of One

Post Written By Eugene Morgan The power of one means we focus on one task at a time as oppose to focusing on multiple tasks. If we focus on doing one skill and master it, then we can learn to focus on another skill until we have a build up of skills. When it comes […]

When We Don’t Feel Like It

Post Written By Eugene Morgan We don’t have to be a slave to our feelings, because feelings come, and they go.  Feelings don’t stick around very long. We can’t always rely on our feelings to motivate us. We know from our personal experiences; that, if we wait for a feeling to motivate us, we will […]

Earning Your Happiness

“That every happiness is earned and, if given to you, it’s merited,” Milton Erickson When we complete something, we feel a sense of accomplishment especially when it’s a difficult task.  But sometimes, we get in the way of completing a task.  Erickson would call this conscious interference.  For example, self-doubt is one of the techniques […]