Find Your Purpose

Post Written By Eugene Morgan Your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give your whole heart and soul to it. — Gautama Buddha If we haven’t given our whole heart and soul to something, then we haven’t found our purpose. Besides, it’s never too late to find our purpose as long as we’re […]

Inspiration Moves Us

Post Written By Eugene Morgan Inspiration is the feeling we get when something touches our souls. Inspiration moves us to do something worthwhile. How come we’re touched by inspiration? Inspirations reawaken us to think of the possibility to do something that’s beyond ourselves. Others inspire us by their example. Someone’s creativity inspires us to do […]

The Moments Are Now

Post Written By Eugene Morgan Silence nurtures the soul. If we find a quiet place, and just let our minds wander while we sit, we can begin restoring and renewing our soul. A clear mind can bring peace and harmony. When this happens, we become more in the present. We no longer look back in […]