How Do We React?

Post Written By Eugene Morgan Stress and unhappiness come not from situations, but how you respond to situations. — Brian Tracy It’s hard for us to make the distinction between an event and our reaction to an event or a situation. There are facts, and there are opinions about the facts. We all come from different backgrounds […]

Center First Then Act

Post Written By Eugene Morgan “Stay centered by accepting whatever happens to you. This is the ultimate.” ~Chuang Tzu It’s easier to react than to be proactive in a difficult situation. But before we can be proactive, we must be centered to be effective. When we’re in control of ourselves, we can better assess the […]

Staying Cool in a Chaotic World

Written By Eugene Morgan How do we keep cool when everything around us is chaotic?  We don’t have to react to an event, but it’s easy to react to an event.  When our response to an unpleasant event is like a knee-jerk reaction, then probably the event is controlling us. We feel a need to […]