The Point of All Achievement

Post Written By Eugene Morgan The starting point of all achievement is desire. — Napoleon Hill If we have the desire to start something, then let us do it.  We satisfy a desire by doing it. And we will be most satisfied when we achieve what we set out to do.  Our passion for the […]

Curiosity and Achievement

Post Written By Eugene Morgan Curiosity is the engine of achievement. ~Ken Robinson Curiosity is the beginning of learning. We want to know how things work and for what reason they work. As children, after many uses, we break our toys to see what’s inside, especially the ones that are electronic to understand how they […]

Achievement Starts With Desire

Post Written By Eugene Morgan The starting point of all achievement is desire.— Napoleon Hill If we want it bad enough, then we will achieve it. If we lose sight of our desire, then we will not even start. Desire is our inner drive to succeed.  If we could ask ourselves what is the one thing […]

Doubt and Beliefs

Post Written By Eugene Morgan Just like the chicken or the egg, what came first— doubt or belief about what we can’t do? When we have doubts in our abilities we fuel the belief that we can’t do something. If we believe we can’t do this or that, then it becomes true. If we let […]