Strengths, Setbacks And Progress


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

The beautiful things about setbacks is they introduce us to our strengths. — Robin Sharma

A setback is just another obstacle or delay in our progress. When we experience a setback, we find out not only what our weaknesses are but also our strengths. We just have to use our strengths to get us through the obstacle and not be distracted by our weaknesses. Setbacks can be opportunities to find out what we’re made of so we don’t have to give up. We ought to respect our strengths and understand that everyone has weaknesses no one is immune to setbacks. Setbacks are inevitable. Somehow we have this notion that progress moves in a straight line going from point A to point B, but the reality is that there are many dips and falls and more dips and more falls. As long as we continue to move forward, the dips and the falls will not have any effects on our progress. Our progress is built upon our strengths to move through and around the setbacks slow and steady.

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