Step Into Courage

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Courage Is a Love Affair with the Unknown” ― Osho

The unknown can certainly evoke anxiety but we don’t have to run the other way. Instead, we can take courage. When we’re taking courage, it doesn’t mean we’re without fear. Courage is doing it anyway in spite of our fears.  Although it’s always good to be cautious and learn as much as we can to prepare ourselves, but we still have to make the big step in life. When we do make our big step, we will find that it is not as horrific as we made it out to be.  A lot of our fears are from false assumptions we made about ourselves without really finding out what we can do. Therefore, let’s find out what we’re made of and be surprised how we handle things today.

One thought on “Step Into Courage

  1. The first sentence says it all. I just embarked on my first business venture and i am pretty scared. But i have promised not to let that get the better of me.

    Great post as usual. +1 and tweeted.

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