Sowing The Seeds Of Success


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“The season of failure is the best time for sowing the seeds of success.”— Paramahansa Yogananda

In other words, we can always learn from our failures and to use that learning to help us to succeed. Failure is just an indicator that what we’re doing now to fail, will not work later. Therefore let us try something else. Sometimes simply a slight change could make a difference in how we succeed. Determination is really the driving force of success. It’s all right to have the seeds of success, however, for the seeds to grow we must find the right soil, sunlight and water. We have to nurture it, look out for it. It may seem for a while until that seed transform into a plant. And then we’re happy to see that our hard work is paying off as we see the plant growing nicely just like our successes in our lives.


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