So Far So Good: Breaking Down Fears

Written By Eugene Morgan

“A man jumped off the top of a skyscraper.  As he passed the third floor window he was heard to mutter: ‘So far so good’.”

When it comes to fear, we don’t jump into something without having some reservations. Most of our fears aren’t about jumping into something that causes death.

The example above is extreme, but sometimes what we fear, feels like we’re jumping into something that causes certain death. But most of our fears are all in our head; they aren’t real.

I don’t recommend anyone to jump. But whatever we fear that we have to jump into, we can have the attitude of the man who said, “So far so good.”

This attitude can help us get through the fear, knowing that whatever event that’s increasing our fear, we can say to ourselves: “So far so good,” whether that’s speaking in a front of a large audience, flying or getting in an elevator. The only thing that’s certain is uncertainty, but we take courage anyways.

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