Prove We Can’t Before We Dismiss It

Ohio River Greenway Project

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

It’s not who you are that holds you back; it’s who you think you’re not. — Unknown

After going down a list of things to ourselves who we think we’re not, then what is left for us to do? Yes, we hide behind a list of what we can’t do because we’re allowing our fears to take over. Everything we do that’s new to us takes practice. Practicing the same tasks over and over can improve over time. There are certain expectations we have to meet each day until we become proficient at it. It’s a matter of time becoming that idea. When we start a new job, we’re given a title. By our job title, there are certain expectations that others have of us that we must do. As a new employee, we’re given at least six months to prove to our employers and ourselves that we can meet the demands of a position.  So instead of us being so quick to dismiss things we think we can’t do, let us give ourselves a chance to prove to ourselves if we can do it.

[bctt tweet=”It’s not who you are that holds you back; it’s who you think you’re not. — Unknown” username=”bloggist”]

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