Prepare Today for Tomorrow’s Wants


Post Written By Eugene Morgan


“It is thrifty to prepare today for the wants of tomorrow.” — Aesop

Preparation is a form of planning for the future. While we still have our mobility, still have our faculties and our health, it is thrifty to prepare today so we don’t have to worry about tomorrow or our future. And yes, we should enjoy life as we make our preparations. Today is really a product of all the decisions we’ve made in our past.  We all made good decisions and not so good decisions. We may not get all our wants in life but we do have some in our possessions and we can be thankful today for them. Our wants aren’t neccessarily about material things, a want can be about relationships, getting involved in a project, spending time on a hobby, participating in a sport involving a team. Preparation can also be about learning something today that we may need later.


[bctt tweet=”It is thrifty to prepare today for the wants of tomorrow. — Aesop “]

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