Potentials Restore Well-Being

Unfolding Wood Anemone


Written By Eugene Morgan

“The potentials within a person can restore well-being,” Milton Erickson

In the above quote, Milton Erickson uses the word “potentials” in a noun form.  The noun form of the word “potentials” defined in the dictionary as “something that can be develop or become actual.”  Erickson deliberately uses the plural form of the word “potentials” which shows that we have more than just one potential.  The article word “the” in front of the word “potentials”’ in the quote makes “potentials” specific; something specific within.  When reading the quote we fill in the gap based on our backgrounds and our life experiences what the specific potentials are for ourselves.

Erickson didn’t say, “The potentials within a person can make a person feel better.”  He said, “potentials within… can restore well-being.” The quote is powerful because we have the stuff inside of us that can develop into something or become actually something that can aid in our restoration.  Let us now start the restoration process.




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