Make Tomorrow Today


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

Many fine things can be done in a day if you don’t always make that day tomorrow. — Unknown

When we procrastinate, we convince ourselves that we still have time to meet our goals or complete a task. We say to ourselves we still can put off our goals and our dreams until tomorrow. However, when morning arrives, we play this distraction mind game with ourselves where we get busy with other things while our goals remain unattended. When we put forth effort in accomplishing things, although it gets complicated, we still feel proud of ourselves when progress is made each time we work on our tasks to help achieve our goals. We feel proud ourselves because it was a struggle and that we pulled through. Pulling through the struggle made us stronger in character than before.


[bctt tweet=”Many fine things can be done in a day if you don’t always make that day tomorrow. — Unknown” username=”bloggist”]


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