Just Take A Risk

One Giant Leap For Man

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

“Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” ~ T.S. Eliot

If we look back on our lives, we will see over the years what moved us ahead from where we were before. Those times were the life changing events for us. We forget sometimes that if we want to get ahead, we got to take some risks. Those of us who are afraid to take risks fear either physical harm or ego bruising. But in terms of getting ahead in life, we more likely fear getting our egos crushed than getting physically injured.  So if our ego is afraid of failure, then not risking is inevitable. Failure is only a feedback. Failure can only be failure if we see it as a defeat. Would we rather see our failure as our defeat, or would we see our failure as our feedback—it’s our choice?  If we see failures as feedback, then we can use our feedback as clues to make corrections or adjustments to our behaviors.


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