Heal With Change

a story called hope...

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

I realized, it is not the time that heals, but what we do within that time that creates positive change. — Diane Deetman

We need time to heal. But we also need to take the time we to heal. That means letting go and saying goodbye when we’re ready someday to say those words ‘goodbye.’ We can’t afford to hold on to something that causes us pain. We no longer have to identify with the pain. It’s all right to move past it by giving ourselves permission to start the healing process instead of allowing the pain to linger for a long time. We’re meant to go on with our life and live our lives.
[bctt tweet=”I realized, it is not the time that heals, but what we do within that time that creates positive change. — Diane Deetman” username=”bloggist”]

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