Hard Work Brings Also Luck

Good luck is Hard work

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

I am a great believer in luck. The harder I work, the more of it I seem to have. — Coleman Cox

Our opportunities are greater when we work diligently to meet our goals. That’s why we just have to hang in there during time of famine. With hard work and some bit of luck, we will succeed. That’s how we add to our good luck is by working steadily towards our goal. When opportunity comes knocking at our door, we will be ready to welcome it. Everything is earned and what is given was merited somehow. So the more we work on our goal, the more opportunities there will be for the taken. We just have to believe in ourselves for this to happen and not allow our thoughts of self-doubt cripple us from the work that will pave the way to success. We don’t have to say to ourselves, “it is because of my background that I shouldn’t pursue my dreams.” Instead we should pursue our dreams because of our background to bring a unique perspective on things.

[bctt tweet=”I am a great believer in luck. The harder I work, the more of it I seem to have. — Coleman Cox”]

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