Happiness Requires Great Labor

Written By Eugene Morgan

If we know what things make us happy, why don’t we pursue them?  What stops us from pursuing what matters to us? What we want is just a dream, if we don’t pursue and make a plan.

We need a plan or a direction or a goal to keep on track on what we want in life.  How can we know about happiness if there is no rain?  Are the things we want in our lives will make us happy?  We’ve heard this cliché, “the grass is not always greener on the other side.”

Is life about being happy all the time or is life about learning, and making someone else happy. Happiness is something we do and something done to us. Happiness requires great labor if we want it.

In some many ways, we already have what we want; we just need a change in our attitude. A change in our surroundings is only temporary. But a change in our attitude makes us thankful for what we already have, that’s what makes us happy.

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